Minimize Unnecessary Windows to System Tray!
If you're like me and have lots of windows open, one of the biggest problems is that the Taskbar gets cluttered with bunches of windows being open. Additionally, Windows although the Taskbar has windows in the order they have been created, the Task Switcher (Alt+Tab) goes over the tasks in order of the windows that you have been working with. Which in my opinion is a major pain. So the easy way out is to be able to minimize the windows that you have currently put on hold into the System Tray near the clock.
The best utility (and free!) I've found is the '4T Minimize to Tray'. It's highly configurable with numerous options. You can put windows in the Taskbar; you can also hide windows that you don't want anyone to know you've got open! (Especially useful while updating your resume at work!)
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