Friday, July 23, 2004

Better Browsing with Internet Explorer

You only have Internet Explorer and you have your popup blocker but whenever you open some web pages, you have these horrendous flash movies distracting you to no end. Or your images are taking ages to download. Of course, there is a workaround - you can go to Tools->Internet Options->Advanced and deselect all the stuff you don't want. But what if you don't want all this to be disabled permanently? Just for that one offending page?

Bookmarklets to the rescue! These are small javascripts, which do whatever you want them to! So go over to Squarefree's Bookmarklets site and check them out. Especially, the 'Zap Bookmarklets' link. All the gray buttons you see will perform the necessary actions. All you need to do is either drag any of those buttons to your 'Favourites' or as I do, to my 'Links' (you need to have 'Links' enabled from View->Toolbars->Links. Internet Explorer will remind you of your insecurities but once you've overcome them, life's a breeze.

You can rename the links to your heart's contents. There are numerous bookmarklets available. Some of them are really useful, for example, selecting a piece of text and then hit the 'Google' bookmarklet and voila, you've got your Google search results!

Happy browsing!


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